Production and Print Schedules (+ print specifications)

Production and Print Schedule


Finalised character/costume/set designs/story

Everything to do with character, costume, setting or scenery (the world I am creating) should be complete by Mid November (Nov 15th). This will also include all observational drawing, life-drawing, photography and writing of the story (speech bubbles/titles/sub-headings) etc that is needed to complete the finalised images.

Finalised text and font decisions

Explore lots of different ways to communicate text and image, hand lettering, letterpress, computer fonts. Also work towards the communication of text and image and have this finalised for every element of the novel that needs it. For example, the title requirements may be different to the speech bubbles or sub-headings. (Nov 22nd)

Completed /finalised storyboard roughs and layout dummy book

All rough workings (to be drawn up in pencil) for the story/title pages/front/back cover should be completed by (1st Dec)

Rough for title page 1 (finalised)

Rough for title page 2

Rough for title page 3

The above title pages will effectively introduce a chapter, they are important because they sum up the feel of the story. I will complete roughs which will later be traced up and coloured. I will give myself a week to complete these roughs, deadline (7th December).

Front/back cover rough

The front cover will take longer than the above title pages. I will include hints to shadow and colour in this rough because it should be the most detailed and poignant of all the other images. Text should have been explored in Nov. Rough will be produced by (14th December).

Cleaned and traced frames in Ink (story pages)

This will be done on a light box from the roughs and will take time. The ink of all storyboards will take 2 weeks approx. I will set a loose deadline for the (28th Dec).

Coloured frames

This is the most time consuming part of production. I will aim to have all storyboards inked and coloured by the end of January so (Jan 31st).

Title Page 1 inked and coloured

Title Page 2 inked and coloured

Title Page 3 inked and coloured

I will set 1 week per image so by (23rd February) the title pages should be completely inked and coloured

Front/Back cover inked and coloured

Friday the (14th March). This is a little more time than needed but it gives time for any problems I may have along the way with production.  


1 week approx. Deadline (21st March).

Assembly of Graphic Novel

There may be issues here so I will allow myself until the (1st April) to ensure the layout and assembly works.

Print: New Schedule (Post Christmas)

Send to Inky Little Fingers

1st week in April

Arrange meetings with publishers for the book fair (London)

1st week in April

Collate all printed work

After Returns from Printers Approx (14th April)

Book Fair

1st week Easter



Front/Back cover inked and coloured

Friday the (16th April). This is a little more time than needed but it gives time for any problems I may have along the way with production.  


1 week approx. Deadline 18th April.

Assembly of Graphic Novel

There may be issues here so I will allow myself until the (1st April) to ensure the layout and assembly works.


Send to Inky Little Fingers

2nd week in April

Arrange meetings with publishers for the book fair (London)

1st week in April

Collate all printed work

After Returns from Printers Approx (25th April)

Book Fair

1st week Easter



Print Specifications