Below: demonstrating the look and feel of my graphic novel . The First page has been completed to a finished level and the rest of the story has been blocked in, exactly as the layout will be presented. The colours will remain the same throughout the story, so every page will be in this style. I created the panels using a grid process , joining up the grids to make different panel variations. This is evident as the storyboard progresses. I have thought in terms of camera angles (using OUAT and Gainsborough Pictures research) to create interesting compositions. I am pleased with the final outcome because composition and colour limitation are two things I've always found difficult. Only buying three colours of the graphic markers solved the colour problems, I had no choice but to work with the three pens I had bought. I chose red because it signifies danger and it's also a reference to the red rose, an icon from the classic story. Blue, it a stereotype from the Disney movie; Belle always wears blue. I found that mixing these colours together made different tones which could be used for shading (purple/brown) and then the Indian Ink gave a contrast that set off the colours. I can, in the future, refine the image using Photoshop but for the meantime it sums up my project in one colour image. This is what I wanted to achieve in the preliminaries.